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7th Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference 2009, Verona - Italy

The V-City consortium has been invited to give a talk about "Advanced Graphics Technologies for Real-Time Massive Models Rendering" at the 7th Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference.

The Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference (EG_IT) is the main italian conference on Computer Graphics. The 7th EG_IT will be held in Verona on 22-23 October, 2009. The scientific program of the conference will consist of high-quality invited talks by distinguished speakers and contributed posters. There will be no published proceedings, so that people are encouraged to talk about  work in progress. The purpose of the upcoming conference is to provide a forum for discussion about the state of the art of the research in Computer Graphics, and to strengthen the Italian community of  researchers  and practitioners  working in the field.


IEEE VisWeek 2009, Atlantic City - US

The V-City consortium will give a course on Interactive Massive Model Rendering, at the IEEE VisWeek 2009.

"Users have consistently tried to manage and visualize more data than any computing system allows. 3D data used in scientfic visualization, medical imaging, seismic exploration, information visualizationfilm, games, CAD systems, etc. are most problematic. This course covers fundamental techniques that effectively overcome system constraints to allow real-time interaction with massive models."

IEEE VisWeek 2009 is the premier forum for visualization advances in science and engineering for academia, government, and industry. This event brings together researchers and practitioners with a shared interest in techniques, tools, and technology. Visualization has become an integral part in a wide array of application areas, and papers are solicited both for original visualization research and for the application of visualization towards the understanding of domain-specific data.


VAST 2009, St Julians - Malta

The V-City consortium will present a scientific paper entitled "Interactive Remote Exploration of Massive Cityscapes" at VAST 2009, the 10th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage that will take place in Malta.

Download: Paper 6 MB | Video 69 MB


First End-user Workshop, Parma - Italy

The first V-City End User workshop will take place in Parma on the 5th and 6th of May 2009. It will be the occasion for the consortium to present the results of the initial end-requirements collection and the specifications of the V-City beta release.


Eurographics 2009/Computer Graphics Forum

Procedural, a VCity Consortium member, will present a simulation system that can simulate a three-dimensional urban model over time. The main novelty of our approach is that we do not rely on land-use simulation on a regular grid, but instead build a complete and inherently geometric simulation that includes exact parcel boundaries, streets of arbitrary orientation, street widths, 3D street geometry, building footprints, and 3D building envelopes. The second novelty is the fast simulation time and user interaction at interactive speed of about 1 second per time step.

Download: Paper 4.8 MB | Additional Material 822 KB


Opening of the V-City Website

We are happy to announce the opening of the official V-City website.


End-User Requirements Gathering

The V-City consortium is launching the gathering of end-users' requirements. Several organisations interested in the 3D reconstruction and interactive visualisation of urban environments are being interviewed. The results will be presented at the first end-user workshop of the V-City project.


Kick-off meeting

The V-City kick-off took place in Toulouse on CS premises on the 8th and 9th of December 2009.
The project, which will end in december 2011, is supported by the European Commission through the Information & Communication Technologies programme under FP7.